Sunday, March 23, 2008

Kill AB 1877

I sent the following letter to California Assembly members regarding AB 1877, a proposed bill which is being heard by the California Assembly Judiciary Committee on March 25. If passed, this bill would would potentially allow the court to sanction parents, or even to switch custody, for showing a custody evaluation report to law enforcement, a non court-appointed therapist, an oversight agency, or any organization trying to rectify problems in the family court system:

Re: NO to AB 1877

Custody evaluators function primarily to turn criminal domestic violence and child abuse cases into family court custody disputes. Evaluators' reports underlie rampant family court related corruption and fraud, and are the basis of enacting Conciliation Court Law in place of more appropriate family codes and other laws:,familycourtcorrupt2nd2,19,03.htm

Custody evaluators are already threatening the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abuse victims. Their bogus "alienation" theories, e.g., Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), have been identified as obstructing prosecution and otherwise preventing proper adjudication of abuse cases:

Custody evaluations are specifically crafted to conceal evidence and to shift blame, so that parents reporting abuse (almost exclusively mothers) are dismissed as dysfunctional and vindictive alienators making false allegations. Dishonest, often outright fabricated evaluation reports are the basis of court-ordered PAS "threats", calling for women and children to be punished not only through custody switches and supervised visitation, but in jails and mental institutions:

In February 2000, investigative reporter Karen Winner issued, "Findings on Judge Michael Dufficy, Commissioner Sylvia Shapiro and Court Appointees in Marin County Superior Court in California". The Winner Report included at least one case where a secretive evaluation report (which the mother was not permitted to see) was used to justify diverting child support funds to court-appointed evaluator, Nancy Olesen, and to court-appointed attorney for the minor child, Mary Halbert. (Since the release of the Winner Report, the National Alliance for Family Court Justice has also obtained documents detailing approximately $30,000 in improper payments made to these court appointees by the County of Marin.): Click here:

We do not need more laws providing secrecy to custody evaluators. AB 1877 is dangerous legislation which will allow evaluators to continue engaging in surreptitious case rigging activity and other misconduct, while helping conceal their role in facilitating outrageous, illegal and unsafe custody recommendations and rulings:

Please KILL AB 1877.

Cindy Ross
California Director
National Alliance for Family Court Justice

Monday, March 17, 2008

Crooks and Whores: The Joint ABA-APA Conference

In April, the American Bar Association and the American Psychological Association are holding a joint conference in Chicago, featuring some of the worst PAS promoting lawyers and "psychos" from across the country. Following is a letter I sent to ask that this meeting not be permitted to go forward. I also notified Senator Obama's office and the Chicago Tribune.

We need to stop these "crooks and whores" from carrying out their dirty work and trying to systematize the abuse of women and children by entrenching PAS type misogyny and perversion into our legal system.

You can send messages to and Please contact me via email at if you have any questions.


It has come to our attention that the American Bar Association and the American Psychological Association are holding a joint conference in Chicago:

Perhaps lawyers and psychologists "working together" to systematize the abuse of women and children in the guise of resolving custody disputes are better described as crooks and whores. The "alienation" theories they are advancing -- parental alienation syndrome (PAS), PA, etc. -- were not only fabricated as legal defense of child molesters, but are the basis of rampant family court system failure and corruption.

Please refer to the article I wrote in 2003 that sums up how and why PAS underlies what can only be described as federally funded misogyny and pedophile protection, when judges, lawyers, therapists, mediators and custody evaluators affiliated with the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, work in conjunction with so-called "fathers' rights" and "shared parenting" groups:,familycourtcorrupt2nd2,19,03.htm

ABA/APA presenters David Levy (Children's Rights Council), and Joan Kelly (Northern California Mediation Center and Northern California Task Force on the Alienated Child) are among the main individuals who helped craft PAS abuse cover up and blame shifting methodology into model custody switching and "threat therapy" programs, so as to justify capturing federal Access to Visitation Enforcement and similar government grant program funding through the mishandling of abuse cases in family court.

Other conference presenters have been personally involved in crooked cases, or promoting the disgusting PAS agenda. These include Dianna Gould-Saltman -- who was involved in the Clarke-Cowles case in Pasadena CA (a detailed account, A Little Girl's Hell, was originally published in the now-defunct Los Angeles New Times) -- and Nancy Olesen, who was involved in diverting child support payments in a case documented in the Karen Winner report Findings on Judge Michael Dufficy, Commissioner Sylvia Shapiro and Court Appointees in Marin County Superior Court in California (2000).

Please note that since my article was published, Dr. Richard Gardner (who coined the term PAS, and who was a frequent presenter at CRC and other conferences with David Levy) committed suicide, and the American Prosecutors Research Institute issued a report calling PAS the means to obstruct prosecution of abusers, while threatening the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children:

Thanks to the efforts of lawyers and psychologists like those participating in the Chicago conference, unethical and illegal PAS cases have been documented in reports from across the country (and around the world):

Some work to undermine legislation like CA AB 612 (being reintroduced as AB 2587), which would ban the use of bogus diagnoses like PAS in custody evaluations:

The situation is especially bad in Marin County, California, home to Dr. Kelly and Dr. Olesen. In 2006, the Town Council of the Town of Fairfax, unanimously passed and adopted Resolution 2466, joining the National Organization for Women in denouncing PAS and calling upon legislators at all levels of government to work toward revising Conciliation Court Law and the Federal Violence Against Women Act, to ensure proper adjudication of abuse cases. Just a few months ago, the Center for Judicial Excellence released Family Court Crisis, Our Children at Risk, to document a few especially egregious Marin County cases:

We strongly object and demand that this conference not be permitted to go forward. Not only should many of the participating ABA and APA members be reprimanded and have their professional licenses revoked, some should also be criminally investigated and indicted.

For further information, please see the NAFCJ website at, and our blog at

Cindy Ross
California Director
National Alliance for Family Court Justice
Fairfax, California

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Dad-Vocates

Recently, California Lawyer Magazine published The Dad-Vocates, an article about the fathers' rights movement

Although I don't know if they will actually publish it, I sent this letter in response:

"The article about the fathers' rights movement failed to mention that PAS was coined as a legal defense of child molesters by someone who not only worked to legitimize sexual paraphilias, but committed an especially gruesome suicide:

Why was there no mention that in 2003, the American Prosecutors Research Institute called PAS the means to obstruct prosecution of abuse cases, while threatening the integrity of the legal system and the safety of abused children? Or, that PAS is the basis of fund diversion and a financial corruption scheme dependent on the deliberate mishandling of abuse cases as custody disputes for profit?,familycourtcorrupt2nd2,19,03.htm

Why didn't you report that in 2006 the Town of Fairfax California adopted Resolution 2466, denouncing use of PAS and calling for changes in California's Conciliation Court Law and the Violence Against Women Act to ensure proper adjudication of abuse cases?

You also failed to mention that many in the fathers' rights movement hail convicted murderer Darren Mack as a hero, and that his consultant, Dean Tong, was recently arrested for domestic violence himself:

There were also glaring omissions about Warren Farrell and Glenn Sacks. Farrell's works include research on incest as reported in Penthouse Magazine, while Sacks works overtime to cover up for Farrell and what he "really" has said and done:

Cindy Ross
National Alliance for Family Court Justice
Fairfax, CA