Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Family Sex and Freedom

I sent the following letter to the Marin Independent Journal, after they printed National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles chapter president Marc Angelucci's letter: Click here: Marin Independent Journal - Monday Readers' Forum.

"As California Director of the National Alliance for Family Court Justice, I was interviewed for Family Court , (Crisis: Our Children at Risk, a documentary produced by the Center for Judicial Excellence which describes how parental alienation syndrome (PAS) legal maneuvering is used to mishandle domestic and child abuse cases as family court custody disputes. A 12 minute trailer of the film can be viewed online here:


PAS was coined as a legal defense of child molesters by a forensic psychiatrist whose main areas of expertise were sex abuse allegations, pedophilia, and other sexual paraphilias. Richard Gardner committed suicide in 2003, the same year the American Prosecutors Research Institute identified PAS as obstructing prosecution of abuse cases, while threatening the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children:



While it is true that both men and women can perpetrate or be victims of domestic violence, I read the letter from the president of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men with disgust. PAS was originally crafted to be used against mothers reporting abuse. While NCFM portends to be fighting discrimination against men, they are actually an anti-feminist organization trying to justify shifting blame to women by legitimizing PAS. Abusive men routinely seek assistance from "men's rights" groups like NCFM because they believe they can get actual incidents of abuse dismissed as false allegations, specifically by claiming anti-father bias.

I am not accusing Mark Angelucci personally. However, while he cites out of context statistics, he fails to mention that NCFM's agenda largely revolves around sexual freedom. According to the NCFM website, men should be free, "...From conflict between their polygamous sexual conditioning as youths, and society's expectation that they will overcome that conditioning after marriage" and "...From preoccupation with sexual technique and from imperatives to concentrate on satisfying their partners sexually, seemingly at the expense of their own sexual pleasure".

Mr. Angelucci also fails to disclose the close relationship between NCFM, the co-president of the National Organization for Men -- who was interviewed by Penthouse Magazine about incest -- and the NOM vice president (a prominent fathers' rights blogger) who censors anyone asking questions about the relevance of "family sex" to men's "freedom" groups.

This is a link from the NAFCJ website to "Incest: The Last Taboo", by Philip Nobile: Warren Farrell's 1977 Penthouse Interview, "Incest: The Last Taboo . Read it for yourself and decide what was "really" said and what this "really" means."

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